Most Popular
Community Free Business*
- $25 minimum opening deposit
- Up to 1,000 free monthly items**
- Up to $10,000 cash/coin monthly processing***
- No interest paid on balances
- Free eStatements
Community Interest Business*
- $25 minimum opening deposit
- Up to 1,000 free monthly items**
- Up to $10,000 cash/coin monthly processing***
- Interest paid on balances
- Free eStatements
Community Commercial Business*
- $25 minimum opening deposit
- Earnings credit option
- Free monthly items vary
- Free cash/coin processing varies
- No interest paid on balances
- Free eStatements
Community Non-Profit Checking*
- $25 minimum opening deposit
- Up to 1,000 free monthly items**
- Up to $10,000 cash/coin monthly processing***
- No interest paid on balances
- Free eStatements
Business accounts built with convenience in mind.
We've created a variety of checking accounts to help you manage your company's money in a safe and convenient way. Stop in, and we'll help you find the account that's right for you.
* Uncollected funds fee will be applied on average uncollected balance per cycle.
** Transaction items include all debits and credits. If the account consistently exceeds 1,000 free monthly transactions, the account may be converted to another checking account.
*** If the account consistently exceeds $10,000 in monthly coin and currency deposits and/or withdrawals, the account may be converted to another checking account.
*** If the account consistently exceeds $10,000 in monthly coin and currency deposits and/or withdrawals, the account may be converted to another checking account.
Open any new business checking account and get $50 as a Gift in your new account!
As an extra bonus, bring in your old debit cards and unused checks from another financial institution, and we'll buy them from you for up to $10.
Account Features

Transactions are simple and seamless anywhere you see the Contactless Symbol. Just use your First Community Bank Visa® Contactless Debit Card and tap to pay for a secure, convenient, and touch-free checkout.

Our free network of more than 50 ATMs is available 24/7. Most accept deposits and offer XpressBanker teller assistance.

Mobile banking makes it easy to check your account balance, pay bills, deposit checks, set low balance alerts, and more.
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