ACH Services

Electronic payment options for better cash flow control.

Streamline the way you send and receive payments.

Automated Clearing House (ACH) services give you a safe and secure way to send or receive payments. By eliminating paper checks, ACH allows you to easily collect and process payments electronically through Business Online Banking & Cash Manager, reducing your risk of fraud.

If you receive payments on a regular basis, ACH also enables you to collect money on the due date, so you'll know when you get paid and you'll have more control of your cash flow.

  • Automate your payroll process with direct deposit
  • Manage your cash flow more easily by scheduling regular ACH payments 
  • Helps reduce stop payments
  • Customize ACH services to fit your company's needs
  • Eliminate unnecessary costs associated with purchasing and processing checks

To learn more about partnering with First Community Bank's Commercial Services team, please call us at (855) 529-7945 or email us at